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Integrative Wellness Consultant || Purveyor of Purpose

Hi! I'm Eryn, Founder and Creator of Wellness Society, where I believe in balancing wellness in ALL areas of life through an integrative approach. As a social entrepreneur on a mission to live the most purposeful life, I discovered that wellness is the link to greatness in all areas of life. So, ​I created Wellness Society as a way to empower busy mompreneurs to be on purpose when it comes to their wellness- specifically around have a purpose, and integrating wholesome nutrition, well-being, and better beauty and personal care products into their lives.


I am a certified Life’s Purpose Coach, certified Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Wellness Coach, certified Social Entrepreneurship/Small Business Coach, and a

group coaching and workshop facilitator. I have also run a non profit for 6 years and I am a tech start up founder- I developed a tech platform to prevent pediatric vehicular heatstroke and change the child care facility landscape. I love all things marketing and I work with Nona Title on their amazing / purpose driven real estate marketing platform for Real Estate Agents.


Having a clear mind, healthy body and fulfilled soul helps me to live life full of ardor. This lifestyle spills over into business, relationships and community as well.


Without an emphasis on my wellness, I do not have a fresh perspective, energy for the day or the gusto to live life to the fullest and run multiple businesses. 


Being healthy from the inside out is something that I am very passionate about. Our family went Plant Based over 2 years ago and we LOVE it! We eat nutritious food that taste amazing! And as a better beauty advocate through Beautycounter, I am not only choosing safer products for my family, I am changing the world and educating and empowering others to do the same. â€‹


I choose purpose first in every area of my life, which is why I decided to

transition my purpose and marketing consulting business to a wellness consulting business with an integrative approach to a balanced lifestyle. Wellness

is the main area of our lives and if it is neglected, everything else suffers.


So, what does "integrative wellness" mean?

Simply stated it means that I work with my clients on addressing the whole person, including body, mind, and soul, on how a solid foundation in the 8 dimensions of wellness can bring balance to their lives.


I am legitimately a modern day hippie. We are plant-based, I use essential oils like its my job, we switched to green household cleaners and we converted to non-toxic personal care products. I also try to purchase products that are not only better for us, but better for the world. {I am OBSESSED with social enterprises!}



Wellness Society is a way for me to help mompreneurs (in any phase of entrepreneurship) 

on their journey through a holistic and bio-individual approach, and to show

others that there are safer and healthier beauty and personal care products out there, as well as, share recipes, expert advice and my favorite social enterprises that are

better for you and that are making the world better. 


My role as an Integrative Wellness Consultant is to:

• understand the whole person and their personal needs

• address the areas within which they want to integrate balance and

fuel growth in their lives

• educate the client on how to take back control of their own wellness through an integrative approach that uses foundational wellness as the basis for balance (the 8 dimensions of wellness)

• and to use my specific skill set to fill the gap that exists between mind, body and soul

AND how nutrition, purpose & wellbeing and personal care/toxin exposure affect our overall health, which in turn affects EVERY area of life


The difference between me and a traditional wellness/health coach is that

I focus on foundational wellness AND I work with my clients on HOW to use

wellness as a lifestyle to fuel personal growth and create balance.


Wellness Society is for mompreneurs that are ready to embark on a wellness journey for themselves and their families..


Whether you’re looking for personal growth or ways to

shop more intentionally when it comes to wellness and lifestyle products,

join me and experience the power of purpose on your wellness journey.


As a social entrepreneur I am using my purpose platform to push purpose forward and to further broaden my social goals associated with women entrepreneurship, health and wellness, child safety and community development.​


I put a strong emphasis on having a purpose in life and setting growth intentions BEFORE I dive into nutrition, the toxins that are affecting our overall health and wellness and other factors that are stunting personal and/or business growth.


I also teach workshops on:

  • Kids & Cars Safety

  • Life’s Purpose

  • Profit through Purpose- social entrepreneurship & business growth

  • Vision Boards and Word of the Year

  • Facebook Marketing

  • How to Quantum Leap Your Business


I use my business as a force for good.


What does that mean? Everything that I do through Wellness Society directly supports the development of Baby OK and MARCS- my tech platform that will prevent children from being forgotten in vehicles. 


So when you work with me or shop with me, you are Using Business As A Force For Good too!


Why choose to work with me at Wellness Society:

I am a....

+Consciousness Creator and Life Purpose Coach

+Integrative Wellness Expert

+Non Profit Leader and Community Change Maker

+Clean Living Enthusiast and Safer Beauty & Personal Care Advocate


I created the Wellness Society because I am ridiculously passionate about foundational wellness and how it affects every area of #momlife and mompreneuership. I wanted to share it with other mammas out there that are interested in it too....and maybe just don't know where to start.


From wellness coaching and consulting, to my social enterprise market and the informative wellness blog, there is something for everyone on a wellness journey.


From the food we put into our bodies, to the creams we put on our bodies and to the conscious choices we make everyday to how we shop and impact others and the world- wellness is the foundation to life.


I am so glad that you are here, stick around a while!  I take wellness very seriously and I'd love it if you joined me on your journey!


Subscribe to our email newsletter, The Wellness Edit and get your free guide:

The Swap Out list-

10 Products you should swap for safer NOW!



 Feel Good, Look Good. DO Good.... for a Better You, and a Better World!




These littles (and not-so-littles) motivate me to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be!

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