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Emotional Wellness- the importance of discussing mental health

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

While conversations around mental health and emotional wellness have been more open and more accepted recently, we have to keep the conversation going, we have to be willing to ask tough questions and uncomfortable questions. We have to provide valuable information that helps people.

I think I need to kind of explain what emotional wellness is. By definition, emotional wellness inspires self-care and relaxation, it is our ability to find and use stress reduction techniques and it is the development of inner strength, while still having the ability to acknowledge our feelings of stress, anger and fear.

We all know It is important to be attentive to both positive and negative feelings and be able to understand how to handle these emotions. But sometimes we can’t handle these feelings. And sometimes our mental health suffers and we can’t recover from the dark path we have been heading down. Emotional wellbeing and mental heath are a critical part of overall wellness.

I did an interview on my podcast, Prosper & Flourish and we went deep into mental health.

You can listen to my full interview with Suzanne Ramsey here. She has been in education for 30 years, working in public school and private practice. Suzanne holds a BA in elementary education with specialization in Early childhood and sociology Educational Specialist in school psychology.

Emotional Wellness and Mental Health Resources

In addition to our interview, I put together some resources to help foster emotional wellness.

Some are below and you can also access a list of local Central Florida suicide resources, tips to live your best life, deep breathing exercises and ways to improve mental wellbeing.

First and foremost we have to manage our stress levels. This is probably the hardest one because most of us are so used to operating under stress that we have accepted what it feels like as our norm. Meditation is a great way to reduce stress….so are massages and yoga.

I think if we focus on being positive- like really being self aware of the thoughts that we have and saying positive affirmations when we notice negative thoughts- that we will start to create more positive thought patterns. It is beneficial for us to seek balance too.

Having a gratitude practice or starting a meditation practice or quiet prayer time daily, and even just journaling have all been proven to help with mental health and emotional fitness.

Getting good sleep is crucial to our mood and our emotions. It’s definitely underrated too….you need to sleep 7 to 9 hours a day. Period!

Moving our bodies and get outdoors for some vitamin d and fresh air help boost endorphins! It also boosts production of serotonin and melatonin.

And another great way to increase our emotional health is through food! Having a healthier diet has HUGE impacts on our bodies…down to a cellular level. The food we eat literally changes our cells…either for good or bad. That is a topic for another podcast..but just know that you literally are what you eat.

Additionally, if you or someone you know needs help, you can contact 211. This is statewide assistance from mental health, counseling, to food pantries. You put in your zip and then find services.

The National Alliance for Mental Illness is another great resource.

Some really good apps that we both recommend are:

  • Omvana

  • Insight Timer

  • Smiling Mind

  • Eternal Sunshine

  • Headspace

  • Calm

  • Dark Noise

  • Stop, Breathe, Think


As always, I hope you find something on this blog and in my podcast that can help you proser and flourish in life! If you love the Prosper & Flourish podcast and my blog and resources, please share it with a friend and leave me a review!!

Remember, emotional wellbeing and mental health need more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.


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