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4 Ways to Refresh Your Home for Better Health and Less Stress

Many families are enjoying more time together during the quarantine, but the monotony of a prolonged shutdown is wearing on us all. And with another sickness season fast approaching, odds are, refreshing your home and revitalizing your spirit are both crucial.

Whether you collaborate with Wellness Society to build better wellness or take the DIY approach, aligning your home and mental state can help ease stress and boost your health.

Here are our top 4 tips for refreshing your home for better health and less stress!

Check Those Energy Levels

Plenty of families are using quarantine time to tackle home improvement projects. True, painting and replacing flooring can make your home feel like new. But there’s one project you may not have considered could help ease tension at home: banishing negative energy.

Clearing bad energy from your home involves both decluttering and promoting a healing atmosphere with sage and other natural solutions. Afterward, encouraging kids and adults alike to ward off negative thoughts and bad attitudes by picking up family mindfulness strategies could help keep nerves from fraying.

By tackling this step first, you can more easily address mess and mayhem throughout your living areas. {One of my wellness areas that I've been learning about recently at Wellness Society is ENERGY! I've been taking classes and now I sage regularly!}

Learn to Declutter Correctly

When it comes to cleaning up the physical mess, you don’t need to be a Marie Kondo master to declutter like a pro. Sorting your belongings in ways that make sense and going item by item is a smart strategy to begin with. And, the less pressure you apply on yourself and your family, the easier it’ll be to make incremental changes over time.

But as soon you see the effects of banishing junk from your household, the more you’ll feel inspired to discard even more. As Psychology Today highlights, decluttering is great for your mental health. It can feel energizing, reduce anxiety, and even help you uncover valuable items you thought were lost forever.

{Over at the Wellness Society home, we've recently been trying to add some Feng Shui elements while decluttering! We follow Marie Diamond and her Feng Shui tips!}

Upgrade Your Sleep Spaces

Managing stress is one way to boost your immune system and reduce your odds of contracting all manner of illnesses. And while drinking more water, eating more plants, and getting regular exercise are all building blocks for wellness, good sleep is essential, too.

In fact, studies suggest that poor sleep habits correlate with many physical illnesses, including chronic disease. But a lack of quality sleep has also been linked to increased incidences of depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges.

Getting more sleep might sound tricky, but by overhauling your sleep spaces, you can create an environment that’s more conducive to better rest. Taking time to declutter helps here, too, but other strategies for cozying your bedroom include blocking excess light, removing excess furniture, and choosing cooler, neutral tones for bedding, curtains, and even carpeting.

Invest in Organization

Instead of buying more “stuff” to clutter up your house, consider investing in organizational solutions. Especially if your family is participating in distance learning (or even if the kids are dragging belongings back and forth from campus) or remote work, organization can help you maintain your cool.

Organizing your belongings and your time can help ease stress and make home a more comfortable place to be – no matter how long the quarantine lasts. Being proactive about keeping things in their place is also essential, so think of organization as a process rather than an end goal.

No matter how long the quarantine extends, having a clean and refreshed home to spend time in will feel amazing. Getting started with these steps as soon as possible can help ensure you stay comfortable, relaxed, and less stressed no matter what’s happening outside your door. Wellness Society can help you make these habits part of your regular routine, that refreshed feeling can last even longer.


This blog post was written by guest contributor, Jackie from Hyper-Tidy. These home wellness tips are definitely in line with Wellness Society's vision of a health home!

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