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Define Your Purpose

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Among the most important discoveries, you will make in your life is finding your purpose. Perhaps some of you have already discovered your purpose, while others are still trying to define theirs. I've been obsessed with purpose for a long time now. I gave up my corporate career to live in my purpose. I got my Life Purpose Coaching certification so that I can help others discover their purpose.

One thing that I know is that having a clear purpose leads to a clear value.

This is important because having a purpose guides your life and helps you apply the correct processes and actions to reach your goals.

Something that most people do not realize is that purpose is actually more powerful than passion.

There are some people who have a specific talent that is so extreme that it is easy to detect that they were truly “made” to do it. Think of Kobe, John Mayer, Anne Hathaway. For the rest of us, determining what we were “made to do” can be a little less obvious. And it was for me. I chased money in the beginning.

Part of this is because most of us are influenced by our families and society to follow paths that we're “supposed” to. I wanted to draw…I went to a special Disney backstage class on drawing. It was my passion and I was so good at it. But my parents wanted me to get a “real” job.

And for most of us, our roles, careers, hobbies, and relationships are often chosen more because of our conditioning or because we feel we “should” rather than because they are a fit for whom we truly are.

It is no surprise that the people who make decisions for their lives based on who they really are and what they genuinely want are more satisfied and more successful. Living a life “on purpose” means using your natural talents, following your natural interests, and living in alignment with who you truly are. You are doing what you came here to do!

So funny thing, my word of the year for 2020 is alignment. The pandemic totally threw me off and I felt really out of alignment. But that was because I froze. I panicked. I didn't do what I knew I should be doing. And I know I am not the only one. So many other people went through or are still going through the same thing.

But we have two choices in life- allow the unexpected or negative aspects of life to be a curse, or turn them into blessings.

We all know that when we see experiences as an opportunity we find that even what could have been considered the worst of obstacles and challenges turned out to be the biggest blessing.

Developing your purpose requires your active participation, reflection, and introspection so that you can get the most out of it. You see, your purpose is unique to you and your journey…its like your fingerprint.

Once you find your purpose it will amplify your passion.

Passion is not something that you have or find, it is something you DEVELOP.

Passion is cultivated. And, it begins as an often undetectable interest.

When passion is directed toward a higher purpose, a higher level of meaning and fulfillment can be achieved.

I implore you, take some time to discover your true life’s purpose. I created a purpose worksheet to help if you want it.

In a mom group that I am a part of, we read a different bible plan once a month and in early October we read Grace Looks Amazing on You by Amy Seifert. One of the questions that came up was what does it mean to you to be purposeful when you feel purposeless?

To me it means that even in the trying times of motherhood, even though the dishes need to be done or the toys need to be picked up that I am not purposeless. My purpose in that moment is to be mom and to take care of my babies.

Purpose is the conviction that what you are doing matters because it’s connected to the wellbeing of others. When you can see the impact your passionate efforts make, you feel even more strongly about what you do even it you feel purposeless in the moment.

Our purpose is not defined by our career, our children or our faith.

Our purpose is the good works that we choose to participate in.

And our purpose shifts throughout day from motherhood, to career to our passions. There is purpose in everything that we do and every decision that we make.

A purpose will be unique for everyone. Here are some questions that may come up when you reflect upon your life purpose:

  • Who am I?

  • Where do I belong?

  • When do I feel fulfilled?

Try using this equation for purpose by Richard Leider: Gifts + Passions + Values = Purpose By defining your gifts, passions, and values, your purpose will become clear.

So, shoot for making the difference in the world that YOU are uniquely able to make, and the passion will follow.


If you find my worksheets helpful, please let me know!

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